Вот это настоящий сюр(приз)! Парадоксальных иллюзий-вечер торжества! "Западные санкции"- в действии!) Вы нас дразните колбасками, запрещенными Евросоюзом на ввоз в Россию). А мы Вас потчуем "искусством эпохи Возрождения")! Так и хочется сказать: Умом Россию не понять!" Но, без Италии нам скучно очень! Думаю, что все мы насладимся за столь царским столом неординарным зрелищем, которое нам дали сегодня уважаемые и всем известные авторы. Спасибо, EEVA! This real sur(prize)! Paradoxical illusions evenings of a celebration! "The western sanctions" - in operation!) You tease us the sausages forbidden by the European Union on import to Russia). And we treat you to "art of Renaissance")! And there is a wish to tell: Mind not to understand Russia!" But, without Italy it is boring for us very much! I think that all of us will take pleasure at so imperial table in an extraordinary show which famous authors gave us respected and all today. Thanks, EEVA! ..., держись! Сегодня занавес откроют, и лишь .... один останется на сцене!) Чем сыта будет опьяненная толпа!?) , .., hold on! Today, the curtain will open, and the only one left .... on stage!) What will be fed intoxicated crowd !?) Thank you, EEVA!
It does not seem very appropriate comment. The theme of the video has nothing to do with the EU restrictions. It is only to evaluate a work of art, not turn it into a "political" cause.
Do not be angry. You better watch the videos from a professional perspective.
))) Никакой политики, мой друг! Это особенности робота-переводчика. Неправильный перевод. Плюс интернет буксовал: ни все слова были взяты в ковычки. Это была длинная шутка. Может быть сложная. Образное выражение. Всего лишь. Очень сожалею, что вы нашли в этом, политическую подоплеку. Ну, еще вспомнились некоторые слова поэта Уильяма Шекспира. Вот так:)! А то, что перед нами высокие профессионалы. Это без сомнения. Когда портится погода. Мы иногда ворчим на нее. Но, она делает свое дело. Так и мы. Сидим в театре. Созерцаем. Иногда скучно ждать. Мы начинаем шутить. Это очень замечательно! С уважением, Владимир. К барьеру, дуэлянты!!)) Продолжим сей спектакль смотреть. ))) No politics, my friend! This particular robot translator. Mistranslation. Plus Internet skidded neither all words were taken in quotes. It was a long joke. Can be complicated. A figure of speech. Only. I am very sorry that you have found this, politically motivated. Well, still remember some of the words of the poet William Shakespeare. That's the way :)! And the fact that this is a high professionals. This is without a doubt. When the weather deteriorates. We sometimes grumble at her. But it does the job. So are we. Sitting in the theater. Contemplate. Sometimes boring wait. We are starting to joke. This is very wonderful! Sincerely, Vladimir. To the barrier, duelists !!)) to continue to watch this show.
Two videos .... two kinds of meat .... seeing this at 13:00 ..... I like to Andrea Spinelli.
I think both videos are very different and it is not a balanced battle. Not the same announce sausages..... what announce jewelry.
With this, it becomes very long video of Andrea, but it's normal because it's a full-fledged promo.
Video Artem is impeccable. A job very attractive. But I repeat: the battle is unfair because of the different thematic.
I guess it would be unfair to see the trailer of a wedding video in battle with a First Communion .....
For me, this is the case.
I tend to Andrea, for making a "rich" work (cholesterol monitors) .... very complicated and at a disadvantage with his adversary (great adversary).
Kind regards!!!
Do not be angry. You better watch the videos from a professional perspective.
Then flow good humor and good work !!! EEVA
Kind regards!!!
I think both videos are very different and it is not a balanced battle. Not the same announce sausages..... what announce jewelry.
With this, it becomes very long video of Andrea, but it's normal because it's a full-fledged promo.
Video Artem is impeccable. A job very attractive. But I repeat: the battle is unfair because of the different thematic.
I guess it would be unfair to see the trailer of a wedding video in battle with a First Communion .....
For me, this is the case.
I tend to Andrea, for making a "rich" work (cholesterol monitors) .... very complicated and at a disadvantage with his adversary (great adversary).
Kind regards!!!