3 years back
INTERVIEW Bojan Mitkovski, Zaga Production, Bitola, Macedonia.
Hi Everybody,

I’m Bojan Mitkovski from Bitola, Macedonia. For 10 Years, together with my brother Dalibor Mitkovski, we successfully built the brand ZAGA Production. Zaga Production is studio that cover Cinematography and Photography, it has plenty of employees in the high season-summer, when we can film 4 Weddings in one day. We mostly do Weddings, but we also cover public events, Music Videos, TV Add’s etc.

In 10 Years of our existence we had three offices in three different towns in our country, today we only have on e office in our home town Bitola, because we organize our whole work via internet , so the need of an office is not necessary in our days.

Me and my brother, we started working with photography and cinematography because we hadn’t have any source of existence, but after a few years of working we came to conclusion that we are made for this job, at least our clients say that.

EEVA it’s a perfect place for videographers from Europe to share and compete within their occupation, it’s also a good place to get first hand information about workshops and seminars organized by EEVA. So I think joining EEVA is great thing, and I’ll recommend to every cinematographer to join this organisation.
About the Best Wedding Video Contest by EEVA for 2012, as a member of the jury I have seen all the videos that ware in the competition and I concluded that the jury shared similar opinion about the videos and the results went out perfect. I rated the videographers and the videos only by their original style and the one that didn’t had their own original style didn’t get votes from me. I personaly want to congratulate the winers and also I want to congratulate the participants who didn’t win, they’ll get their chance next year.

Why do I think the contest is important, wining in this kind of contests make you great satisfaction, knowing the fact that even in 2050 You will always be the winner for 2012, so do not hasitate to join.

I want to recommend to my EEVA colleagues to work on their own style, always to try something new, because the Idea well has no bottom, even sometimes it seems that there is no new Idea to realise.
So love your family, work hard and most important work for a good price, because 10 Years from now, you’ll be 10 years older and no client can bring back the time you spent for their sake.

Cheers to All,
Bojan Mitkovski, Zaga Production, Bitola, Macedonia.

I dedicate this Inteview to my brother, without him Zaga Production you know, wouldn’t existed as it is.